Many projects create Honorary NFTs as gifts for influencers in the NFT space as a means of reaching new communities, and Joyride will be no different. What *is* different though, is how much work goes into creating a custom fully playable, animated, 3D avatar for somebody! Where most projects can get away with an illustration for the Champs games it takes an entire team to create each custom NFT. Challenging, for sure. But, this is the kind of Challenge we live for!
We already have our first honorary NFT in the pipeline. Our art team has been hard at work creating what will eventually be a real playable character in the Tennis Champs game that is a fully unique, one-of-one, character that is based on a real person's likeness. The process has deeply involved the input of the influencer and so we are confident that the end result will be something they are proud to play with in game. (The specific partnership has yet to be announced and everything I am showing you is still a work in progress.)
Now for the really exciting part, we aren't going to be limiting our custom character team to creating the likenesses of influencers. We plan to eventually open up the ability for collectors to commission unique characters based on the likenesses of their NFTs! Just imagine, being able to play as your Bored Ape across an entire franchise of Champs games! (you may need to first imagine owning one...)
The specifics of how this will work are still being hammered out and it is likely going to take some time before this service is fully up and running. Our hope is that before then we will be able to establish partnerships that will allow people to play our games with likenesses of their many of their favorite PFPs.